religious society of friends|religious society of friend in English


Society of Friends, Quakers, Christian sect founded in England in 1652 by George Fox having no formal sacraments or priesthood and opposing violence (the basic belief of the Society of Friends is that divine revelation is instantaneous and individual)

Use "religious society of friends|religious society of friend" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "religious society of friends|religious society of friend" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "religious society of friends|religious society of friend", or refer to the context using the word "religious society of friends|religious society of friend" in the English Dictionary.

1. Religious laywomen , or Beatas , served as religious teachers to indigenous daughters of nobility , helping to shape colonial society.

2. This book deals with the economic, social, and religious aspects of Egyptian society.

3. 10 The religious dance originated from the Wu ( Sorcery ) Dance of the primitive society.

4. Jehovah’s Witnesses were successfully registered as a religious society in October 2005.

5. The Bacchae is an ancient story of a society under religious, political, and social stress

6. Monastic worship shaped the religious feeling of early medieval society more than did any other single factor.

7. He completely disregarded strictly enforced social conventions and religious restrictions in order to contact the outcasts of society.

8. The sympathetic and informed study of ethnic and religious minorities is crucial for the well-being of our multi-racial society.

9. But how can such gambling activities be justified when they involve religious organizations with the worst criminal elements of society?

10. Her religious fanaticism has alienated most of her old friends.

11. JEHOVAH’S WITNESSES are concerned about the erosion of spirituality in the world and the immorality and religious uncertainty that pervade society.

12. Averroes lived in a religious society but there were powerful individuals who were interested in, and promoted, philosophy, regardless of whether …

13. There they found a society of deeply religious people, among whom ancestor worship and oral traditions were central to everyday life.

14. An Anthropologist might, for example, study religious rituals in India, or look at black society in the United States

15. In a multicultural society is it not anomalous to have a blasphemy law which only protects one religious faith?

16. Your religious donations fund freeloaders who mooch off society but who generally provide little or no value in return.

17. Brethren definition is - —used chiefly in formal or solemn address or in referring to the members of a profession, society, or religious denomination

18. She alienated her friends when she became fanatically religious.

19. He did not live in a religious vacuum, but was born into a society that practiced the polytheistic rites of ancient Indo-Iranian religion.

20. In 1918-19, they were in an alienated position before human society, and their religious enemies thought they could destroy them.

21. Byzantine society was very religious, and it held certain values in high esteem, including a respect for order and traditional hierarchies

22. This uncommon word, never before spoken in Star Wars, an anchorite is someone who has withdrawn from society to become somewhat of a religious hermit.

23. The Chilean corporation permits the Society to enjoy tax exemption and other benefits granted to all religious organizations registered in the country.

24. But make no mistake: there are also people who are determined to both destroy faith and reject any religious influence in society.

25. Blurbs Best Friends Animal Society, Middle Cyclone, Neko Case